Using Numbas for final exams

Chris Graham

School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics E-Learning Unit

Aim of this short video

Summarise activity using Numbas for exams, particularly since the onset of the Covid pandemic.

View these slides and find out more at


What is Numbas?

Numbas is a mathematical e-assessment tool developed by the E-Learning Unit in the School of Maths, Stats & Physics.

Offers instant feedback and randomisation: ideal for formative assessment.

Trends and observations

Significant increase in higher stakes assessments.

Increased use of hybrid assessments.

Rapid growth of Numbas use in Engineering.

A brief history of Numbas for exams

Pre-Covid: most assessments were low-stakes, with a small number of exams and class tests.

Exam hall for Numbas

Pass-Fail assessments

Used for maths and physics stage 1 in 2019/20.

Served an important purpose at the start of the pandemic.

Pass fail assessment scores

"4 in 24" assessments

Used for maths and physics stage 1 in 2020/21.

Students have a fixed time within a 24 hour window, with Numbas controlling the timer.

Start and end times

Hybrid assessments

Emerging from 2021/22 exams and in widespread use in 2022/23.

Students upload work to some questions to Canvas for manual marking. Allows efficient, focussed marking

Start and end times

Numbas developments supporting exams

New features, developed in response to changing formats, including:

  • Exam receipts

  • Facility to set availability dates and attempt durations for individual users

  • Attempt re-marking features

Numbas and Inspira

Several exams in 2021/22 will take place on campus and use Numbas via Inspira.

Numbas continues to be an option for invigilated exams.

Contact us to find out more.

Find out more

You can e-mail the Numbas team at

Numbas website at

Numbas editor at