Next month we’re running a couple of training sessions and we’re also trying a new drop-in session for anyone who wants to talk about Numbas.
The sessions are free and open to anyone with an interest in Numbas.
All three sessions will take place on Zoom. Automatic captions will be available and you’ll be given links to all material presented. Please contact us if you need us to make any accessibility changes that would enable you to take part.
Introduction to Numbas training session
14:00 – 16:00 BST (UTC+1), Tuesday 11th June 2024.
A session for people new to Numbas. You’ll learn how Numbas works, how it can be used, and work through creating an account on the editor and writing your first question.
The session is interactive: you can ask questions at any time.
Open drop-in hours
14:00 – 16:00 BST (UTC+1), Thursday 13th June 2024.
This is an open session where the development team will hang around, ready to talk about anything to do with Numbas. Join in if you have a question about Numbas, a suggestion about future development, or just want to meet the developers and other Numbas users.
Join on Zoom, no registration necessary.
Advanced Numbas training session
14:00 – 16:00 BST (UTC+1), Friday 14th June 2024.
A session for people who already use Numbas and want to expand their skill set.
You’ll learn about more advanced Numbas features such as explore mode, custom marking algorithms, question variable generation techniques, interactive diagrams and extensions.
The particular topics covered will be chosen by the participants.
Join on Zoom, no registration necessary.