Contact us directly
You can email the Numbas team at
Office hours
We run weekly office hours each Thursday. You can make an appointment to talk with the lead developer of Numbas, Christian Lawson-Perfect, about anything to do with Numbas.
You could get help writing questions, integrating Numbas with your VLE, or have a more wide-ranging chat about using Numbas.
To make an appointment, use the booking form.
User Group
If you have a technical question about using Numbas, or have something that you want to share, post to our User Group. We try to answer questions quickly, and other users are welcome to help as well. The user group can be a good place to find solutions to problems you encounter – someone else has probably seen them before!
Subscribe to the Numbas newsletter to be kept informed about the latest developments to the system, as well as any events we’re running or involved in.
You’ll get 2-4 emails a year from us.
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